Executive Board

PRESIDENT:  Bruce Barclay - Southern Utah University

VICE PRESIDENT:  Kristen Weidler - University of California, San Diego

TREASURER:  Becky Goldsmith - Emeritus

SECRETARY:  April Scriven - Colorado College

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT:   Darin Lee - University of North Dakota

Email the ARMCUMS Executive Board  |  [email protected]

Advisory Board

Holly Berryman - Northwest College

Heather Reimer - Colorado State University

Wyatt Shively - Utah State University, Eastern

Trish Nelson - Utah State University


Jackie Gutierrez - Santa Fe Community College

Sukbae Kim - Chapman University

Dawn Stuver - Utah Valley University

Lori Sultzer - Middle Tennessee State University

Christi Turner - Utah State University, Eastern

Email the ARMCUMS Board, includes the Executive and the Advisory Board Members.

[email protected]